Sunday, December 18, 2016

Our Ship

I'm going to pause in the story here to show you a number of pictures of the ship.  I might split this up into two sections since there are many pictures.  Sadly, I didn't explore the whole ship, which surprises me now that I think about it. This is a very, very big boat and we simply didn't get around to visiting every nook and cranny.  Some places we at least walked through or past, but I never took a photo.

Let's start with more pictures of our room. Grant (as well as myself) has always enjoyed a television that also has the live map of where we are and where we're heading.  On our trip to Hawaii, it was almost spooky to see just how far away we were from anything resembling land.

The televisions are also interactive, allowing us to check our account and any reservations we made.

Carnival gives us pins, bottled waters, drink coupons and other benefits for being frequent cruisers.  I sure won't turn it down!

Here's the view from our balcony.  Grant would spend a whole lot of time out there with a book just reading and listening to the sea. I found it to be a bit cold out there!

Only driving rain would keep him off the balcony.
I'm getting ready to see what it's like out there.

The ship is so massive every time I see it.  It's an engineering marvel!

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